Welcome Agent D6. Your mission, should you choose accept it, is to infiltrate into the Grand Casino Royale led by notorious mafia boss Dr. Yathzee and descend to the vault and steal a mysterious artifact only known as the McGuffin Dice.

Agent D6: No Time to Dice is a top down logic puzzle game where you must  descend into ever more complex puzzles that will test your spatial reasoning skills.

Agent D6 is... well, a D6. You must roll using WASD into numbered tiles in order to unlock the exit to the main level. Be thoughtful of your position and order of operations, as moving incorrectly will quickly have consequences making the level more and more difficult to solve. Try to find the optimal path to earn extra points.


This game is participating as part of GMTK Game Jam 2022 centred around the theme "Roll of the dice".

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